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Brief Analysis
Budgetary Predictions Cast Doubt on Rapid Iraqi Reconstruction
If Iraq is to rebuild its infrastructure and restore its economy at the pace forecast by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), it will need to bridge a major near-term financing gap by increasing capital inflows from outside the country and simultaneously improving its ability to absorb aid and investment. Oil
۱۲ اوت ۲۰۰۳
Michael Knights
Brief Analysis
Assessing the Iraqi Sunni Resistance
Since President George W. Bush declared an end to "major combat operations" in Iraq on May 1, coalition forces have repositioned themselves to deal with the emerging resistance in Iraq. Although many attacks on the coalition have taken place in Baghdad, 90 percent are occurring in the so-called "Sunni triangle,"
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Brief Analysis
The Invisible Man?
Abu Mazen in the Palestinian Media
Abu Mazen has been essentially boycotted by Palestine Television and Voice of Palestine, stations run by allies and aides of Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Yasir Arafat. His nonappearance in the Palestinian electronic media cannot be chalked up to Abu Mazen’s diffidence or lack of public support. Indeed, for much of
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David Makovsky
Brief Analysis
Is Hizballah Resuming the Offensive?
After months of restraint following the double shock of U.S. military victories in Afghanistan and Iraq, Hizballah resumed action against Israel today, firing mortal shells and missiles at the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) along the Israel-Lebanon border. Changes in the regional geopolitical environment and recent statements by the organization's leadership
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Brief Analysis
U.S.-Turkish Military Cooperation in Iraq?
The Next Step
A surprising summit meeting yesterday in Ankara involving members of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government, the Turkish General Staff, the Turkish Foreign Ministry, and the Turkish National Intelligence Organization produced an agreement "in principle" to send Turkish "peacekeeping soldiers" to Iraq. From one perspective, if Turkish troops were
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Soner Cagaptay
Articles & Testimony
Arafat's Very Own Terror Brigades
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited Washington last week to garner support for a Middle East cease-fire that includes dismantling Palestinian terrorist groups in the West Bank and Gaza. With the focus on Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), however, one terror organization has been largely ignored: the Al-Aqsa Martyrs
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Jonathan Schanzer
Barak Barfi
Articles & Testimony
When Is a Fence Not a Fence?
While the ceasefire is generally holding between Palestinians and Israelis, the first phase of the roadmap is barely unfolding. Palestinians are making an effort to stem incitement and at least stop terror attacks in Gaza and parts of the West Bank. The Israelis have lifted a few checkpoints, withdrawn from
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Dennis Ross
In-Depth Reports
Dancing with Saddam:
The Strategic Tango of Jordanian-Iraqi Relations
Jordan has long served as a pivot between moderate pro-Western and radical anti-American states in the Middle East. In the wake of "regime change" in Iraq, the economic, social, and political effects on Jordan will be pervasive. David Schenker, an expert in Middle Eastern politics, explores the complex nature of
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David Schenker
Brief Analysis
The September 11 Congressional Report:
A Sea Change in U.S.-Saudi Relations?
Yesterday's meeting in the White House between U.S. president George W. Bush and Saudi foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal reflects both Saudi official anger at the reports of the kingdom's apparent complicity in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and its continuing ability to gain short-notice access to the
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Simon Henderson
Brief Analysis
The U.S.-Turkish Relationship:
Prospects and Perils
On July 25, 2003, Turkish deputy prime minister and foreign minister Abdullah Gul addressed The Washington Institute's Special Policy Forum. Dr. Gul served as Turkey's prime minister between November 2002 and March 2003, and as minister of state and government spokesman in the Welfare Party government of 1997. The following
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Articles & Testimony
Over the Fence and through the Terror Woods
After his Tuesday meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, President Bush gave an important press conference from the Rose Garden. Bush's statement was a continuation of his fateful June 24, 2002 speech -- the last time that they stood side-by-side in the Rose Garden. Back then, Bush called on
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Articles & Testimony
The War Ahead
President Bush should deliver one unambiguous message to Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) when they meet this Friday in Washington: The Palestinian Authority is going to war -- the only question is with whom. As Israel begins withdrawing from parts of Gaza and the West Bank, the Palestinian
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Brief Analysis
War on Terror:
A Perspective from Afghanistan
During the Soviet occupation, Afghanistan enjoyed a large measure of support from its neighbors and from allies in the Islamic and Western worlds. With the fall of the Soviet empire, however, global attention shifted elsewhere. In the interim, a vacuum emerged that allowed the Taliban and al-Qaeda to seize power
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Articles & Testimony
The Good Fence
For the first time since the start of the Palestinian uprising nearly three years ago, hope for real peace between Israelis and Palestinians is beginning to take shape. Strangely, the Bush administration is sending signals that it is against it. I am not referring to the "road map" for Middle
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Robert Satloff
Brief Analysis
Hizballah's Unwitting U.S. Bankers
Executives at some leading U.S. financial, corporate, and journalistic institutions, such as JP Morgan Chase, Wachovia, American Express Centurion Bank, Associated Press Television News (APTN), Telestar5, and Interland, should be aware that their organizations are unwitting accomplices in the terrorist activities of Hizballah, recently labeled "the A team" of terrorism
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Avi Jorisch
Fighting Illegal Transfers through Alternative Means of Money Transfer
Remarks to a conference on "The Economic War on Terrorism: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing," Garmisch, Germany, July 21–25, 2003 Constricting the Operating Environment The war on terror is far from over, even as we find ourselves fighting another -- more conventional but no less critical -- war in Iraq
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Matthew Levitt
Articles & Testimony
'Right of Return' Reality
As the Israeli-Palestinian "peace process" plods along, both proponents and critics of the "road map" are eagerly seizing on evidence to serve their own ends. This month the eminent Palestinian pollster, Khalil Shikaki, made waves by releasing new data on the Palestinian "right of return," the perennial Palestinian demand to
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Articles & Testimony
What Window of Opportunity?
During the build-up to the 2003 Iraq War, President George W. Bush delivered a watershed speech at a prominent Washington DC-based think tank. In late February at the American Enterprise Institute, Bush suggested that after dealing with Saddam Hussein, Israel "will be expected to support the creation of a viable
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Brief Analysis
Hudna (Truce) Accord:
Getting the Roadmap on the Road?
The Roadmap was never designed to be a blueprint. Instead, it provides a direction and a set of guidelines for Israeli and Palestinian actions. Because the Roadmap was negotiated not by Israelis and Palestinians but by members of the Quartet -- who are not responsible for implementing its steps—no one
۱۶ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۰۳
Dennis Ross
David Makovsky
Articles & Testimony
Abbas Keeps His Eye on the Big Picture
As the American envoy to the peace process during the Clinton administration, I worked closely with Mahmoud Abbas, often sitting across a table from him around the clock, seven days a week. Of course, I knew him by his patronymic, Abu Mazen -- "father of Mazen." Abu Mazen is a
۱۴ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۰۳
Dennis Ross
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