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Brief Analysis
Syria-Israel Negotiations:
Implications and Prosects
THOMAS FRIEDMAN International Context: Syria's position must be viewed within the system of globalization that has replaced the previous Cold War order. The rules of the globalization system are qualitatively different from those of the Cold War and will influence the politics and economics of all states. Whereas the Cold
۱۰ دسامبر ۱۹۹۹
Robert Satloff
Brief Analysis
Resuming Inspections:
The Unresolved Problem of Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction
In the next few days, the United Nations (UN) Security Council will have to decide whether to approve a new inspections regime for Iraqs weapons of mass destruction (WMD). For six months, the Council members have been debating this matter in closed meetings. The impetus to act now comes from
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Michael Eisenstadt
Brief Analysis
Turkey and the European Union:
One More Try
Spurned two years ago, a wary Turkey again hopes to be designated a candidate for membership in the European Union (EU) when the EU summit meets in Helsinki December 10-11. That this prospect is on the brink of realization is a tribute to many factors, but perhaps most of all
۹ دسامبر ۱۹۹۹
Alan Makovsky
Brief Analysis
The Future of U.S.-Turkish Relations
On December 2, 1999, Antony Blinken, special assistant to the president and senior director for European affairs at the National Security Council, delivered The Washington Institute's Third Annual Turgut Ozal Memorial Lecture. The following are excerpts from his presentation. Read a full transcript. "What seems an obvious point today was
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Brief Analysis
Air Power and U.S. Policy toward Iraq
Reliance on air power has become the defining characteristic of the "American Way of War" in the post-Cold War world of the 1990s. Prior to the August 1990 invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, U.S. Air Force weapons and tactics were optimized for an air war in Central Europe, taking into
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Brief Analysis
Arafat and His Critics:
U.S. Policy between Peace and Democracy in the Palestinian Authority
On December 1, Mu'awyeh Al-Masri, a Palestinian legislator from Nablus, was shot in the leg by a group of masked men in broad daylight. This mafia-style "kneecapping" was the culmination of several days of arrests and protests in the Palestinian Authority (PA) which followed the distribution of a leaflet accusing
۳ دسامبر ۱۹۹۹
David Schenker
Robert Satloff
In-Depth Reports
Tracking Students from Terrorism-Supporting Middle Eastern Countries:
An Update
Examines the consequences of the lack of an effective system for monitoring and tracking students, exchange visitors, and scholars from terrorism-supporting countries, and evaluates U.S. government efforts to address this problem. Updates Hillary Mann's 1997 Policy Focus, Open Admissions: U.S. Policy toward Students from Terrorism-Supporting Countries in the Middle East.
۱ دسامبر ۱۹۹۹
Brief Analysis
Caspian Energy Accords:
A Job Half Done
The November 18 signing of a pipeline accord in the Turkish port city of Istanbul, in the presence of President Clinton, gives further momentum to the oil export link project between Baku, the capital of the Caspian littoral state of Azerbaijan, and Ceyhan, on Turkey's Mediterranean coast. Another piece of
۱ دسامبر ۱۹۹۹
Simon Henderson
Brief Analysis
Countdown to Final-Status Talks:
Israel's Domestic Politics and Regional Strategy
Barak, Rabin, and Peace Strategy: Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, like the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, believes that Israel's peace strategy should be based on strategic, "old Middle East" assumptions, rather than those of the idealized "new Middle East" propounded by Shimon Peres. As foreign minister and then prime
۳۰ نوامبر ۱۹۹۹
David Makovsky
Brief Analysis
Mideast Update:
Report from a Trip to Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority
ROBERT SATLOFF General Observations Meetings with the four leaders--Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, Jordan's King Abdullah II, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, and Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Yasir Arafat--underscore the vitality of regional leadership. All seemed healthy, engaged, self-assured, and in command. Barak is clearly a man with a mission, convinced
۲۹ نوامبر ۱۹۹۹
Robert Satloff
Patrick Clawson
Brief Analysis
With Bilateral Ties Flourishing, Clinton Visits Turkey
President Clinton's trip to Turkey for the November 18-19 OSCE summit will be historic for U.S.-Turkish relations. The November 15-17 bilateral portion of the trip (perhaps now in doubt following another shocking earthquake in Turkey today) will mark only the third visit by a U.S. president to Turkey and the
۱۲ نوامبر ۱۹۹۹
Alan Makovsky
Brief Analysis
Reflections on Turkish-Israeli Relations and Turkish Security
Turkey and Israel inhabit a region troubled by security concerns that include religious fundamentalism, terrorism, illicit trafficking of arms and drugs, transfer of weapons of mass destruction, proliferation of nuclear weapons, and mass movements of refugees. These two states thus have overlapping security interests as well as political and economic
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Brief Analysis
Israel's Foreign Policy Agenda
On October 24, 1999, Shlomo Ben-Ami, Israel’s minister of public security, delivered the closing keynote address at The Washington Institute’s Inaugural Weinberg Founders Conference. The following is a rapporteur’s summary of his remarks. Read a full transcript. A conceptual gap exists between the foreign policies of former Israeli prime minister
۱ نوامبر ۱۹۹۹
Brief Analysis
Removing Saddam:
The Iraqi Opposition's Program
Shaykh Mohammed Mohammed Ali: Our strategy is to end the dictatorship of Saddam Husayn; we intend to rebuild our country democratically. Inside Iraq there is real discontent, and in the South, there is real resistance. Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein: No secret formula exists for bringing down the regime. It could
۲۹ اکتبر ۱۹۹۹
Brief Analysis
America and the Middle East:
Meeting the Challenge
On October 22, 1999, Vice President Al Gore delivered the keynote address to The Washington Institute's Inaugural Weinberg Founders Conference. The following are excerpts from his speech. Read a full transcript. "Our engagement in the world has a huge impact on the peace and prosperity of the Middle East and
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Brief Analysis
America and the Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty, Five Years On
I was on a bicycle trip with my wife in the faraway Canadian Rockies in July 1994 when our guide received a call on an ancient two-way radio from my office in Washington. Jordan and Israel had reached a deal, I was told, and an agreement was soon to be
۲۶ اکتبر ۱۹۹۹
Robert Satloff
Brief Analysis
The Battle against Terrorism:
Report from the Administration
On October 12, 1999, Ambassador Michael Sheehan, coordinator for counterterrorism at the Department of State, addressed The Washington Institute's Special Policy Forum. The following are excerpts from his prepared speech. Read a full transcript. The Changing Character of Middle Eastern Terrorism "The international terrorism by Middle Eastern groups that plagued
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In-Depth Reports
Israel's Foreign Policy Agenda (full transcript)
The new Israeli government that was formed in Jerusalem in early July has a fundamentally different foreign policy than that defended by Netanyahu. It is not only a difference of nuances or tactics; it is, I believe, a conceptual gap that exists between the visions of the governments of Netanyahu
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Articles & Testimony
A U.S. Strategic Opening:
America and the Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty, Five Years On
I was on a bicycle trip with my wife in the faraway Canadian Rockies in July 1994 when our guide received a call on an ancient two-way radio from my office in Washington. Jordan and Israel had reached a deal, I was told, and an agreement was soon to be
۲۲ اکتبر ۱۹۹۹
Robert Satloff
In-Depth Reports
Beyond 2000:
Changing Dynamics in the Middle East
Keynote addresses by Al Gore and Shlomo Ben-Ami. With Ehud Ya'ari, Hilal Khashan, Abdel Monem El-Tawil, Edward Abington, and others.
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