Institute peace process expert David Makovsky discussed the hostilities between Israel and Hamas on PBS's NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.
Institute peace process expert David Makovsky discussed the Gaza conflict on BBC News 4.
The Washington Times quoted Institute peace process expert David Makovsky in an article about Isreali objectives in the Gaza conflict.
Canada's CBC News interviewed Institute Arab politics expert David Schenker about the conflict in Gaza.
USA Today quoted Institute peace process expert David Makovsky in an article on the implications of the Gaza conflict for the Obama administration.
The Jerusalem Post quoted Institute Soref fellow Andrew J. Tabler in an article on Syria's willingness to engage in open talks with Israel.
Der Spiegel quoted Institute Soref fellow Andrew J. Tabler in an article on Syria.
Institute counterterrorism expert Matthew Levitt was quoted in a Chicago Tribune story on Iranian front groups in the United States.
Al-Hurra interviewed Institute Arab politics expert David Pollock about possible new Security Council resolutions on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
Institute Baker fellow Simon Henderson discussed the possibility a negotiated settlement in Afghanistan and asylum in Saudi Arabia for Taliban leader Mullah Omar on Al-Hurra.
The Christian Science Monitor quoted Institute Syria expert Andrew J. Tabler on the prospects of an international tribunal for the Hariri assassination.
Voice of America interviewed Institute counterterrorism expert Matthew Levitt about how al-Qaeda is capitalizing on the global financial crisis.
Iran's Press TV interviewed Institute senior fellow David Pollock about the U.S. presidential election.
CNN-Turk interviewed Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay about the U.S. presidential election and American relations with Turkey.
Institute peace process expert David Makovsky participated in a Jordan TV special program on the U.S. presidential election.
Institute Baker fellow Simon Henderson was quoted in an Associated Press story about the dispute between Iran and the UAE over three islands in the Persian Gulf.
Al-Jazeera English interviewed Institute senior fellow David Schenker about U.S. military action along the Iraqi-Syrian border.
Middle East Times featured remarks by Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Vickers on military strategy in the war on terror at an Institute policy forum.
Al-Jazeera English interviewed Institute Arab politics expert David Schenker about a U.S. raid on al-Qaeda sites on the Iraqi-Syrian border.
The Nation cited Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Vickers' address to an Institute policy forum in an article on international law and the war on terror.
Institute Arab politics expert David Schenker discussed a U.S. military raid on al-Qaeda sites on the Iraqi-Syrian border on al-Hurra.
Iran's Press TV interviewed Institute senior fellow David Pollock about IAEA meetings and Israel's nuclear program.
Iran's Press TV interviewed Institute senior fellow David Pollock about the Iranian nuclear program.
The Jerusalem Post interviewed Institute peace process expert David Makovsky on prospects in the prime ministership of Tzipi Livni.
The BBC interviewed Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay about U.S. policy toward Turkey in the next presidential administration.