Institute expert quoted by Washington Post on the UAE detaining U.S. citizens.
Institute expert quoted by USA Today on the effects of Aleppo's fall on refugee flows out of Syria.
Institute counselor appeared on NPR to discuss the Obama administration's approach to Syria.
Institute expert quoted by AP on pay cuts for Islamic State fighters.
Institute expert appeared on CNBC to discuss the national security implications of the legal battle between Apple and the FBI.
Institute expert quoted by BuzzFeed on the waning influence the U.S. has in the Syrian civil war.
Institute expert interviewed by Foreign Policy on the Kurdish group that took responsibility for the February Ankara bombing.
Institute expert quoted by BBC on the strategic importance of the Syrian city of Azaz.
Institute expert interviewed by the New York Times on suicide bombing in Ankara.
Institute expert quoted by Washington Post on the use of starvation as a weapon in Syria.
Institute expert interviewed by Der Spiegel on the Syrian refugee crisis.
Institute expert's study cited in Foreign Policy on how to prevent a nuclear Iran.
Institute expert quoted by The Economist on Assad's Aleppo offensive.
Institute expert appeared on Diane Rehm show to discuss humanitarian crisis in Syria.
Institute expert cited by Washington Post on U.S. government wading into theological debate regarding ISIS.
Institute expert quoted by Reuters on White House Syria policy.
Institute expert appeared on NPR to discuss recent DEA arrests of Hezbollah members.
Institute expert quoted by Military Times on Baghdad's reticence about accepting further U.S. troops in Iraq.
Institute expert quoted by Voice of America on coalition troops fighting the Islamic State in Iraq.
Institute expert quoted by TIME on prospects of U.S. negotiating with Assad.
Institute expert quoted by Bloomberg on China's growing influence in the Middle East.
Institute expert quoted by Washington Post Editorial Board on the fifth anniversary of the overthrow of Mubarak.
Institute expert quoted by NBC News on current dynamics within the Saudi royal family.
Institute counselor quoted in Politico on the lasting effects of low oil prices.
Institute expert quoted by Wall Street Journal on the Islamic State's use of the Taqba Dam in Syria.