LA Times quotes Institute Egypt expert in a post examining the differences between Libya and Egypt's transitions to democracy.
Institute Arab politics expert is quoted in a Washington Post profile of American Islamic Congress director Zainab Al-Suwaij.
TNR article by Institute Egypt expert examines why Egyptians are having a hard time making sense of their new government.
CS Monitor article on renewed criticism of the Obama administration's Syria policy quotes Institute defense expert.
Institute managing director argues why oil sanctions against Iran will not be enough in the Washington Post.
Institute senior fellow discusses the defection of a high-profile Sunni general from Syria for PBS Newshour.
PolicyAlert by Institute experts on the implications of senior Sunni defections from Syria is cited in the LA Times.
Institute Egypt expert examines the Muslim Brotherhood's play for long-term power in an op-ed for Foreign Affairs.
On CTV, Institute Egypt expert discusses the easing of tensions following the swearing in of Morsi as Egypt's president.
Institute Arab politics expert examines the new political realities of an Islamic Egyptian state in an op-ed in the LA Times.
PolicyWatch by Institute defense expert on the mounting pressure facing the Syrian army is quoted in the Guardian.
New York Times quotes Institute Syria expert in an article on UNSC efforts to resolve the conflict in Syria.
Institute counterterrorism expert discusses next generation of terrorism scholarship in Wired.
Institute Iran expert describes Iranian evasion of oil sanctions to Reuters.
Institute Syria expert discusses the UN Security Council's meeting on the crisis in Syria for C-Span's "Washington Journal."
Institute military expert reports on Syrian army defections in Beirut's Daily Star
USA Today quotes Institute Egypt expert in profile of president-elect Morsi
Jerusalem Post quotes Institute Arab politics expert on Turkish-Israeli relations.
Institute Iran expert analyzes international sanctions on Sky News Arabia (in Arabic)
Institute Syria expert quoted by Bloomberg Businessweek on Russian relations with Damascus.
Institute Arab politics expert interviewed by Voice of America on Egypt-U.S. relations.
Institute Syria expert discusses NATO meeting called by Turkey on public radio's To the Point with Warren Olney
Institute Turkey expert comments on Syria's downing of Turkish military aircraft on CNN.
Institute Turkey expert examines the possibility of the country's exit from NATO in CNN's GPS blog.