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In-Depth Reports
Viability and Consequences of Preventive Military Action against Iran's Nuclear Program
Download the complete proceedings. On October 17, 2009, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Aharon Farkash, Hussain Abdul-Hussain, and Gen. (Ret.) Charles Wald took part in a keynote debate moderated by veteran journalist Bernard Kalb at The Washington Institute's annual Weinberg Founders Conference. Aharon Farkash, a retired major general in the Israel Defense
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In-Depth Reports
A Call for Change
Download the complete proceedings. On October 17, 2009, Ataollah Mohajerani addressed The Washington Institute's annual Weinberg Founders Conference. Ataollah Mohajerani has played a central leadership role in the Islamic Republic of Iran, serving as President Muhammad Khatami's minister of culture and Islamic guidance and as President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani's vice
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In-Depth Reports
Obama and the Middle East:
An Early Assessment
Download the complete proceedings. On October 16, 2009, Jackson Diehl, Mortimer Zuckerman, and Michael Mandelbaum participated in a keynote debate at The Washington Institute's annual Weinberg Founders Conference. Jackson Diehl is deputy editorial page editor of the Washington Post. Mortimer Zuckerman, a member of The Washington Institute's Board of Advisors
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Michael Mandelbaum
Mortimer Zuckerman
Brief Analysis
Senior Institute Fellows Speak at 2009 Scholar-Statesman Award Dinner
On October 14, 2009, The Washington Institute honored former president William Jefferson Clinton with its 2009 Scholar-Statesman Award at a gala dinner in New York City. Following President Clinton's remarks, attendees enjoyed a special "ask the experts" discussion moderated by Institute executive director Robert Satloff. Senior fellows and panelists Soner
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Soner Cagaptay
Patrick Clawson
John Hannah
Matthew Levitt
Maternal Linkages among the Sons of King Abdulaziz
This chart lists the sons of Saudi King Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud) and indicates their fraternal relationships. Each number along the horizontal axis represents a different mother; names in the same column represent full blood brothers. Sons in the same row were born in the same year. A gray background indicates that the person is deceased. In several cases, dates and relationships are in dispute. Originally published as part of Policy Focus 96, After King Abdullah: Succession in Saudi Arabia.
۹ اکتبر ۲۰۰۹
Simon Henderson
Brief Analysis
Inside Iranian Politics and Nuclear Strategy:
A G20 Briefing
On September 18, 2009, Stephen P. Rosen and Mehdi Khalaji addressed a special Policy Forum luncheon at The Washington Institute to discuss how Iran's postelection turmoil affects international perceptions of the Islamic Republic and its nuclear program. Stephen P. Rosen, an expert on nuclear strategy, is the Beton Michael Kaneb
۲۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۰۹
Mehdi Khalaji
Brief Analysis
Economic Challenges and Opportunities for Israel and the Palestinians
The global recession has presented a daunting challenge to governments everywhere, including that of Israel. Nonetheless, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu has said that waging "economic peace" will be a central component of his relationship with the Palestinians. His intention is to improve the West Bank economy as a supplement
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Brief Analysis
Militarization of the Iranian Judiciary
Widespread reports suggest that Sadeq Larijani, a young and inexperienced cleric with close ties to Iran's military and intelligence agencies, will officially replace Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi as head of the Iranian judiciary on August 16. This appointment is particularly significant, since the judiciary in Iran wields considerable power -- albeit
۱۳ اوت ۲۰۰۹
Mehdi Khalaji
Saudi Arabia: Borders and Administrative Boundaries
Saudi Arabia's frontier and international neighbors and its internal administrative boundaries. From Policy Focus #96, "After King Abdullah," by Simon Henderson Copyright 2009 The Washington Institute
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Saudi Succession
Royal succession in Saudi Arabia, from Policy Focus #96, "After King Abdullah," by Simon Henderson. Copyright 2009 The Washington Institute
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Brief Analysis
Muslim Engagement:
The Obama Administration's Approach
On July 17, 2009, Farah Pandith, the State Department's first special representative to Muslim communities, addressed a special Policy Forum luncheon at The Washington Institute to discuss her new role and U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton's approach to Muslim engagement. The following is a rapporteur's summary of her remarks
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Farah Pandith
Brief Analysis
Who Will Be the Next King of Saudi Arabia...And Does It Matter?
On July 13, 2009, Ambassador Robert Jordan and Simon Henderson addressed a Policy Forum at The Washington Institute. Mr. Henderson is the Baker fellow and director of the Gulf and Energy Policy Program at the Institute. His most recent Policy Focus, After King Abdullah: Succession in Saudi Arabia, will be
۱۵ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۰۹
Simon Henderson
Brief Analysis
Deterring Iran:
Lessons from History
On June 18, 2009, David Crist and Steven Ward addressed a special Policy Forum at The Washington Institute to discuss the lessons that Iran and the United States drew from their military encounters in the 1980s. David Crist is senior historian for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
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Brief Analysis
Myths, Illusions, and Peace:
Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East
On June 17, 2009, Rep. Howard Berman and David Makovsky addressed a special Policy Forum at The Washington Institute to mark the publication of Myths, Illusions, and Peace: Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East, coauthored by David Makovsky and Dennis Ross. Representative Berman (D-CA) is the
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David Makovsky
Brief Analysis
Iran's 'Election':
What Happened? What Does It Mean?
On On June 16, 2009, Mehdi Khalaji, Mohsen Sazegara, Patrick Clawson, and Michael Singh addressed a special Policy Forum at The Washington Institute to discuss the disputed reelection of Iran's incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinezhad on June 12 amid a wave of mass protests and charges of vote rigging. Mehdi Khalaji
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Mehdi Khalaji
Mohsen Sazegara
Patrick Clawson
Michael Singh
Brief Analysis
The Iranian Elections:
Politics of the Supreme Leader vs. Power of the President
On June 10, 2009, Ali Alfoneh, Meir Javedanfar, Mehdi Khalaji, and Patrick Clawson addressed a special Policy Forum at The Washington Institute to discuss what to expect from Iran's June 12 presidential election. Ali Alfoneh is a visiting research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute,Meir Javedanfar is a Middle East
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Ali Alfoneh
Mehdi Khalaji
Patrick Clawson
Brief Analysis
Strategic Challenges in a Changing Middle East
Moshe Yaalon, a senior minister in the government of Prime Minister Netanyahu and former chief of the IDF general staff, delivered the 2009 Zeev Schiff Memorial Lecture on Middle East Security
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Moshe Yaalon
Zeev Schiff Memorial Lectures
Brief Analysis
Political Power and Social Conservatism in Turkey
On June 4, 2009, Dr. Binnaz Toprak, chair of the Political Science Department at both Bahcesehir and Bogazici universities in Istanbul, addressed a special Policy Forum luncheon at The Washington Institute, introducing her latest study on social conservatism in Turkey. Dr. Toprak's research, cosponsored by Bogazici University and the Open
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In-Depth Reports
The Middle East Security Agenda:
An Israeli Assessment
Download the complete proceedings. In keynote remarks made at The Washington Institute's 2009 Soref Symposium, Michael Herzog discussed the Israeli perspective on growing security challenges in the Middle East, with particular focus on the Iranian threat. Michael Herzog, a brigadier general in the Israel Defense Forces, currently serves as chief
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Michael Herzog
In-Depth Reports
'Mutual Interest and Mutual Respect':
Ideas for U.S. Public Diplomacy toward the 'Muslim World'
Download the complete proceedings. James Glassman, Marc Lynch, and Robert Satloff addressed The Washington Institute's 2009 Soref Symposium to discuss challenges for U.S. public diplomacy efforts, and offer suggestions for the Obama administration as it attempts to improve America's image in the Middle East and beyond. James Glassman, president of
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Robert Satloff
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