Institute North Africa expert Dana Moss was interviewed on the BBC World Service's The World Today program about the Algerian elections.
Institute Arab politics expert David Schenker commented about reports that Western states are loosening banking sanctions against Syria on the BBC.
The German daily Der Spiegel quoted Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay in an article on President Obama's visit to Turkey.
The German broadcaster Deutsche Welle quoted Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay in an online report on U.S. policy toward Turkey and the European Union.
Institute Baker fellow Simon Henderson was quoted in an Agence France-Presse analysis of the relationship between the top U.S. and Pakistani generals.
Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay discussed President Obama's visit to Turkey on CNN-Turk.
BBC World interviewed Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay about President Obama's visit to Turkey.
Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay joined Christiane Amanour to provide live commentary on President Obama's speech to the Turkish parliament on CNN International.
Agence France-Presse quoted Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay in a story on President Obama's visit to Turkey.
Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay was quoted in a Los Angeles Times article on President Obama's visit to Turkey.
CNN's Wolf Blitzer interviewed Institute strategic expert John Hannah about U.S. counterterrorism efforts.
CBS Radio News interviewed Institute peace process expert David Makovsky about the new Israeli government's policies on the Iranian nuclear program.
Bloomberg News quoted Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay in a preview of the issues facing President Obama on his visit to Turkey.
CBS interviewed Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay about President Obama's visit to Turkey.
CBS Radio News interviewed Institute peace process expert David Makovsky about U.S.-Israeli relations.
Institute North Africa expert Dana Moss was quoted in a story on illegal migration from Libya to Italy by the UAE English-language daily The National.
The Washington Times quoted Institute peace process expert David Makovsky in an article on the possibility that the new Israeli government will open talks with Syria.
Institute counterterrorism expert Michael Jacobson was quoted in a Washington Times story on U.S. sanctions against Iran.
Institute peace process expert David Makovsky discussed Israel's new government on BBC World.
The Los Angeles Times quoted Institute peace process expert David Makovsky in an article on the inauguration of Binyamin Netanyahu's new Israeli government.
The wire service Reuters quoted Institute peace process expert David Makovsky in an article on the formation of Binyamin Netanyahu's new Israeli government.
The AP quoted Institute terrorism expert Michael Jacobson in an article on lawsuits against Hamas and Iran by victims of terror attacks.
Financial Times quoted Institute terrorism expert Matthew Levitt in an article on Gulf funding for the Taliban.
Institute national defense fellow Lt. Col. Thomas Crimmins was quoted in the Los Angeles Times on the strategic value of the F-22 fighter following the crash of one of the planes in California.
UPI published an article based on Institute terrorism expert Matthew Levitt's analysis of Hizballah's involvement in narcotics trafficking.