Institute expert quoted by CNN on the impending invasion of Mosul by Iraqi government forces.
Institute expert quoted by Reuters on the future of Turkey following the attempted coup.
Institute expert quoted by AFP on U.S.-Saudi relations vis-à-vis the war in Yemen.
Institute expert quoted in Washington Post on ISIS's indoctrination methods for children.
Institute expert appeared on WSJ Live to discuss the ongoing Russian and Syrian regime attacks on Aleppo.
Institute expert quoted by NBC News on dwindling options for peace in Syria.
Institute expert quoted in Washington Post on evaluating the Russian intervention in Syria after one year.
Institute expert quoted by AFP on Russia's role in the siege on Aleppo.
Institute expert quoted by Wall Street Journal on the growing U.S.-Russia friction regarding Syria.
Institute expert quoted by ABC News on the limits of U.S. counterterrorism policy and action.
Institute expert quoted in Bloomberg on the faltering ceasefire in Syria.
Institute expert quoted in New York Times on the failing ceasefire in Syria.
Institute expert profiled by Haaretz on his work to promote reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians.
Institute counselor quoted in New York Times on U.S. military aid to Israel.
Institute expert was quoted in the Washington Post on the Israel-U.S. military aid MOU.
Institute expert appeared on NPR to discuss the appropriate response to Iranian provocations in the Persian Gulf.
Institute counselor quoted by Bloomberg on Congress’s passage of a bill that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi A
Institute expert quoted by the Associated Press on Russia’s Middle East Peace Process initiative.
Institute expert quoted in Wall Street Journal on Turkey's media crackdown following the attempted coup.
Institute expert appeared on NPR's All Things Considered to discuss the ongoing U.S.-Russian negotiations on Syria.
Institute expert quoted by AFP on ISIS’s shrinking territory in Iraq and Syria.
Institute expert quoted by Washington Post on Israel's improving relations with its regional neighbors.
Institute expert quoted by Los Angeles Times on Iran's plan to buy more planes than the entire fleet of Air France.
Institute expert quoted by Los Angeles Times on ISIS after the fall of Mosul and Raqqa.
Institute expert appeared on Voice of America Radio to discuss the sectarian dynamics of Syria's civil war.