Bloomberg quotes Israel politics expert David Makovsky on Netanyahu's surprise move to form a governing coalition
New York Times article on Syrian opposition movement quotes Insitute defense expert Jeffrey White
Director of research Parick Clawson discusses the effectiveness of sanctions on Iran in an op-ed for Foreign Affairs.
Senior fellow David Makovsky quoted in a New York Times article about Israel's new governing coaliton.
The Guardian quotes counterterrorism expert Matthew Levitt in a story linking an al-Qaida plot to a U.S. drone attack in Yemen
Institute Iran expert discusses the easing of tensions over the country's nuclear program.
Institute Turkish research program publishes an op-ed on the counterterrorism uses for Turkey’s proposed Ilisu Dam.
In an op-ed for the New Republic Institute Egypt expert discusses Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi and his bid to be Egypt's next leader.
Institute Arab politics specialist discusses the upcoming Egyptian elections on the John Batchelor Show.
Institute Syria expert is quoted in a Bloomberg article about attacks against the Syrian opposition despite UN cease-fire monitoring.
Institute Egyptian politics specialist is quoted in a Washington Times article about the upcoming elections in Egypt.
Al Jazeera quotes Institute Iran expert in an article on Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Institute senior fellows discuss the ability of Arab states to reproduce the "Turkish model" of government in Hurriyet Daily News.
Institute Arab politics expert examines if international talks between Tehran and six major powers will help avoid military action over Iran's nuclear program for TVO's The Agenda.
Institute Egypt expert Eric Trager examines the Muslim Brotherhood's rising confrontation with the military in Egypt in Foreign Affairs.
CNN quotes Institute Syria expert as saying U.N. intervention in Syria is actually helping the Assad regime hold on.
In CNN's Global Public Square, Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay cautions that the sectarian Sunni-versus-Alawite conflict in Syria could potentially spill over into neighboring Turkey.
An op-ed by Institute Arab politics expert David Schenker on Egypt's financial woes is published in the Weekly Standard.
Bloomberg quotes Institute Director Michael Singh as saying "there is a grave risk that Iran is using the negotiations to buy time while seeking to ward off pressure."
Institute director of research Patrick Clawson discusses U.S. policy on Iran for NPR's Talk of the Nation.
Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay discusses Turkey-Syria relations in the New Republic.
The Guardian cites Institute counselor Dennis Ross.
The Washington Post publishes an op-ed by Institute counterterrorism expert Matthew Levitt.
Institute Iran expert Mehdi Khaliji is cited in the New York Times' "Rendezvous" blog.
Andrew J. Tabler, Institute Syria expert, is quoted by Bloomberg in the Washington Post.