ICYMI Ambassador Dennis Ross Addresses The Washington Institute
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | December 14, 2011
Press Contact: 202.230.9550, press@washingtoninstitute.org
WASHINGTON - On December 13, 2011, Ambassador Dennis Ross delivered a wide-ranging address -- his first since leaving the Obama White House and rejoining The Washington Institute as counselor -- to a packed audience of policymakers, diplomats, and journalists. Discussing the challenges ahead for U.S. Middle East policy, Ross focused specifically on the need for resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, the options for ratcheting up pressure on Iran to suspend its problematic nuclear program, and the U.S. role in supporting nascent democracies in the Middle East.
Video and transcript available online.
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The Washington Institute is an independent, nonpartisan research institution that advances a balanced and realistic understanding of U.S. interest in the broader Middle East. Drawing on the research of its fellows and the experience of its policy practitioners, the Institute promotes informed debate and scholarly research on U.S. policy in the region.