Layla M. Hashemi is a researcher and data analyst at the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)focusing on international supply chains, cybersecurity, and illicit trade. On the NSF project Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks (D-ISN), she is analyzing the supply chains of counterfeit PPE, fentanyl and pharmaceuticals. She earned her PhD in Public Policy at George Mason University’s Schar School and her Masters in International Relations and Comparative Politics at New York University with a concentration in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. She has held positions at governmental and non-governmental organizations including Forum 2000 and the Journal of Civil Society where she is currently Managing Editor. Her volunteer work includes moderating the Anti-Corruption Advocacy Network (ACAN), board member and research manager at the Security, Gender and Development Institute (SGDI) and Political Economy Project (PEP) coordinator at the Arab Studies Institute (ASI). She has presented her research — among other places — at NATO, the United Nations and professional conferences, workshops and webinars. Her work has been published in the Washington Post, academic journals, books and other outlets. She co-edited and contributed to the TraCCC Routledge Volume Antiquities Trafficking in the Real and Virtual World(2022) with TraCCC’s director, Dr. Louise Shelley. Hashemi is a contributor to Fikra Forum.