Harry Istepanian is a Washington-based energy and water expert and a senior fellow with the Iraq Energy Institute.
Articles & Testimony
OPEC’s second-biggest oil producer must demonstrate how it will balance its goals of reducing emissions, increasing crude production, and continuing the use of high-sulfur liquid fuels in the power sector.
Iraq highlighted its game plan to achieve a clean energy transition and reduce its carbon footprint at the recent 28th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP28). The objectives include reaching zero gas flaring by 2028; generating 12 gigawatts of power from renewable sources in the next few years; installing systems to capture and detect methane emissions at oil and gas facilities; and establishing a green bank for sustainable development. But now that the green talk is over, Iraq needs to take immediate action to design a legal framework that can facilitate the transformation of its energy landscape. Currently, the government is still drafting a law on renewable energy that experts say should have been passed years ago...