Arabic Original of Muhandis General Company Articles of Incorporation

PDF copy of the Arabic original of the February 26, 2023, articles of incorporation of the Muhandis General Company for Construction, Engineering and Mechanical, Agricultural and Industrial Contracting (hereafter shortened to Muhandis General Company).
Available on the right-hand panel is a PDF of the Arabic original of the February 26, 2023 articles of incorporation of the Muhandis General Company for Construction, Engineering and Mechanical, Agricultural and Industrial Contracting (hereafter shortened to Muhandis General Company). This commercial entity is intended by the Iran-backed militias in Iraq to be their equivalent of Khatam al-Anbia, the Iranian economic conglomerate owned by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.
The Militia Spotlight profile of the the Muhandis General Company can be found here.
A Militia Spotlight entry on the Muhandis General Company's first operations can be found here.
The English translation of the articles of incorporation can be found here.