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Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Lebanon: Contemplating “The Day After” Amidst the Collapse
Lebanon continues to face a historic, unprecedented “stress test” for which it is woefully unprepared.
Aug 4, 2021
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Restoring the U.S. Moral Standing in the Middle East through a Focus on Reform and Civil Society
The United States needs to restore emphasis on its values in order to combat critical media narratives and a growing appreciation for China.
Apr 21, 2021
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Tripoli Protests Are Lebanon’s Canary in the Coal Mine
Dire circumstances are pushing Lebanese people to the edge, which could bring violent results.
Feb 11, 2021
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
‘Strategic Patience’ and Iran’s “Resistance Axis”: An Enduring Challenge for Biden's Administration
Iran and the “Resistance Axis” are poised for another round of “strategic patience,” which, if ignored, will serve to the detriment of the United States, its allies and partners.
Dec 11, 2020
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
To Realize its Interests, Lebanon Must Navigate Away from Confrontation with Israel
On announcing the recent framework for Lebanese negotiations with Israel, mediated by the United States under the auspices of the UN, the Lebanese Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri used language that marked a sharp departure from decades of vitriolic discourse aimed at the “Zionist Entity.” Berri repeatedly spoke of the
Oct 23, 2020
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Pushing Lebanon to Despair: The Hariri Tribunal Verdict and Iran’s Stranglehold
The nuanced verdict of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, announced Tuesday, August 18, 2020, provides a further opportunity for Iranian proxies to strengthen their stranglehold on Lebanon. As a state and society, Lebanon is already in the midst of a new phase of coerced transformation towards an abject dependence on
Aug 21, 2020
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Praxis before Faith in Tackling Radicalism—A Response to Shoresh Khani
Shoresh Khani presents a coherent argument for greater attention to the situation at al-Hawl. Satisfied with the defeat of ISIS, world decision makers seem not much engaged in the residual question of al-Hawl. Some international court involvement is suggested, and de-radicalization efforts are anticipated. If the goal is that ISIS
Jul 15, 2020
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Islamic Religious Reform Is an Institutional Need First
A response to Hassan Ismaik’s “ In Defense of Islamic Religious Reform” Three parties in the Arab and Islamic worlds are engaged in a heated debate over the need for a renewal of religious discourse. The first party considers religious reform a necessity for objective reasons, notably as an antidote
May 18, 2020
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Coronavirus Pandemic in Lebanon: Leveraging and Counter-Leveraging
Nassim Taleb used the term “black swan” as a metaphor for unexpected variables that challenge assumptions and approaches. In the span of a short few months, Lebanon has experienced two major “black swan” events, introducing more complexity into an already delicate and difficult political and social climate. The militant, pro-Iranian
Apr 10, 2020
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Temporary Success of Iran’s Proxies in Lebanon Occludes a Deeper Shift in Lebanese Society
More than two months after the eruption of unprecedented nationwide protests, Iran’s proxy political actors seem confident that they have been able to thwart the threat to their power, which the vigorous expressions of the “October 17 Revolution” represented in Lebanon. It is clear that the Iranian proxy camp views
Jan 9, 2020
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Decline (and Fall?) of the “Fourth Persian Empire”
The timing of the Iranian government decision to lift gasoline subsidies, which has effectively doubled the cost of fuel on Iranian motorists, raises fundamental questions about the Tehran regime’s political calculus. Despite protests raging in nearby Iraq featuring open and persistent rejection of Iranian meddling and influence, and despite a
Nov 26, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Response to “Al-Hawl Camp: A Potential Incubator of the Next Generation of Extremism”
Himbervan Kose, in his article “ Al-Hawl Camp: A Potential Incubator of the Next Generation of Extremism” provides an apt description of the problem of radicalization at the al-Hawl camp of ISIS fighters and their families in Northeastern Syria along with several debatable pointers on how to address the issue
Oct 10, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Bigoted Populism May Spell the End of Lebanon as a Modern State
An existential battle is raging in Lebanon regarding the country’s national character, identity, and prospects, with nothing less at stake than the success or failure of Lebanon as a modern project. Given that the country occupies a unique place in the wider Arab consciousness, the implications of its failure have
Oct 4, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Resurrection of Marginal Traditions: New Reinterpretation of Jews in Early Islamic Texts (Part 2)
Early Islamic traditions—compiled in the centuries following Islam’s formative phase through the literary corpus of Sirah (Biography of the Prophet) and Hadith (Acts and sayings of the Prophet)—openly drew on accounts from Jewish converts to Islam ( Isra‘iliyyat). While classical Islamic scholars have generally discounted the value of these accounts
Sep 6, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Muslim Thinkers to Face the Problematic New “Theology of the Jews” (Part 1)
In the course of the past century, a troubling development has asserted itself in Islamic thought. Whether in scholarly religious texts or in popular presentations, a new Islamic “theology of the Jews” has coalesced into a thorough demonization of both historical and contemporary ‘Jews.’ In this evolving and radicalizing theological
Sep 6, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Gulf Crisis Is a Messaging Nightmare—With No Success in Sight
Nearly two years have lapsed since what was supposed to be a political blitzkrieg against Qatar metastasized into economic and geo-strategic trench warfare. Through effective counter-measures—and despite considerable financial drain—Qatar has seemingly been able to withstand the harsh diplomatic and logistic constraints imposed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
Jun 21, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Hassan Mneimneh Responds to "Peaceful Transition in Sudan: Obstacles Along the Path"
Autocrats, theocrats, and democrats—protagonists once again in “Arab Spring” 2.0, in Algeria and Sudan—seem to have all learned the lesson of the original 2011 release, and to be maneuvering to avoid a repetition of the results to their respective detriment. The military in both countries is avoiding provocative moves, relying
May 24, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Sunni Lebanon: An “Oddity” at Risk
In successive polls, approval of the United States within the Sunni Lebanese community has rated consistently high—a fact that stands in contrast with low numbers in other Sunni Arab populations. Certainly, part of the discrepancy reflects internal Lebanese politics. Sunni Lebanese view Washington, together with Riyadh and Paris, as backers
May 8, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Revolutionary Iran and the Arab Causes: A Case of Ideological Entrapment
‘Iran has no objective interest in pursuing an anti-U.S. and anti-Israel policy, and would be amenable to a radical compromise, provided that its stature as the regional super-power is duly recognized.’ This is the blunt message communicated through various channels, including Iranian scholars associated with Tehran’s policy community during chance
Feb 11, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Another Course Correction Needed: Towards a Better Reception of U.S. Positions in the Middle East
Characterizations of U.S. engagement in the Middle East as merely chaotic ignore—often deliberately—that a course correction in U.S. policy is indeed taking place. Underneath the U.S. administration’s multiple, even conflicting messages communicated to friends and foes in the Middle East, the outlines of a coherent policy are potentially discernible. Washington
Jan 25, 2019
Hassan Mneimneh
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