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All Policy Analysis by Vish Sakthivel
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In-Depth Reports
Beyond Islamists and Autocrats:
Prospects for Political Reform Post Arab Spring
The compiled series provides a timely country-by-country guidebook for engaging non-Islamist, pluralistically inclined actors in North Africa, the Gulf, and the Levant.
Nov 27, 2017
David Schenker
Sarah Feuer
Vish Sakthivel
John P. Entelis
Simon Henderson
Nathaniel Rabkin
Nadia al-Sakkaf
Eric Trager
Hala Aldosari
Lori Plotkin Boghardt
Ghaith al-Omari
James Bowker
Andrew J. Tabler
David Pollock
Hassan Mneimneh
Brief Analysis
Algeria's Growing Security Problems
By encouraging Algiers to develop a more comprehensive approach to the persistent extremist threat in the south and east, Washington can also help manage the crises in Libya and Mali.
Apr 25, 2017
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
The Moroccan King Dismisses an Islamist Prime Minister
Given the PJD's popularity, the king's decision is surprising and seemingly risky, but the Islamist party may choose to accept the compromise and move forward.
Mar 17, 2017
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
Can Algeria's Fractured Islamists Retain Their Appeal as a Movement?
Ahead of parliamentary elections in May, Algeria’s fractious Islamist parties have announced unlikely new sets of electoral blocs. The confusing new coalitions are not just the latest iteration of the alphabet soup of Algeria’s Islamists. They also reflect the enduring limitations of Islamist party politics, which present an incomplete picture
Feb 27, 2017
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
The Flawed Hope of Sufi Promotion in North Africa
Sufism has been repeatedly invoked in U.S. foreign policy circles as a possible ideological counterbalance to extremist ideologies in the Middle East and greater "Islamic world." On a superficial level, for those who view politics as a "battle of ideas," the imagery of pacifist whirling dervishes provides a compelling contrast
Dec 19, 2016
Vish Sakthivel
Despite All the Makings of Crisis, Algeria Continues to Prioritize Political Stability
In this podcast episode from World Politics Review, Vish Sakthivel joins Peter Dörrie to talk about the outlook for Algeria when the Bouteflika era comes to an end.
Oct 21, 2016
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
Taking Stock of U.S. Policy Options in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia
The three countries that comprise the Maghreb region -- Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia -- are bound by important cultural, linguistic, and economic ties, and by a shared history of French occupation. Even after Africa's official decolonization, the Maghreb has remained a close and intense sphere of European, and especially French, influence
Sep 2, 2016
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
Morocco's New Africa Policy?
The African Union, Algeria, and Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy
This past Sunday, Morocco made a surprise move by sending a delegation to the African Union (AU) -- the transnational union charged with encouraging African nations' solidarity and the politico-economic integration of the full continent. Leaving the organization over 30 years ago, it has been the only nonmember nation in
Jul 22, 2016
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
The EU, Morocco, and the Western Sahara: A Chance for Justice
Morocco needs to balance its desire to hold onto an economically and politically important region with the realities of EU human rights regulations and other international norms.
Jun 10, 2016
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
Algeria's Next Succession: Preparing for a Post-Bouteflika World
Although Algerians are lukewarm to the prospect of a managed succession, they are even less willing to believe that true multiparty democracy could flourish in the current environment.
Dec 15, 2015
Vish Sakthivel
In-Depth Reports
Morocco: Prospects for Civil Society
This second chapter in the essay series Beyond Islamists and Autocrats examines the increasingly influential role played by civil society organizations in Morocco's push for rights reforms.
Aug 27, 2015
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
Morocco Deepens Anti-IS Gulf Ties, but Neglects Returning Jihadi Threat
Even as Rabat sends delegations abroad to garner support for its security programs, the question remains: Why is Morocco one of the largest sources of IS fighters in the Arab world?
Nov 13, 2014
Vish Sakthivel
In-Depth Reports
Al-Adl wal-Ihsan
Inside Morocco's Islamist Challenge
Across the Middle East, a critical question for regimes and peoples alike is "Are Islamists rising or fading?" Egypt under President al-Sisi is one story; Iraq and Syria facing the ISIS challenge is another. In Morocco, the banned but highly influential Islamist opposition group al-Adl wal-Ihsan (Justice and Benevolence) is
Aug 5, 2014
Vish Sakthivel
Brief Analysis
The Islamic State Goes After Morocco's Islamists
By criticizing Morocco's various nonviolent Islamist factions online, ISIS/IS members are attempting to plant the seeds of emboldened violent opposition in the kingdom.
Jul 15, 2014
Vish Sakthivel
Brief Analysis
Islamists in Government: Do They Moderate Once in Power?
A senior State Department advisor and two Washington Institute scholars discuss what lessons can -- and cannot -- be drawn from the Islamist political experience in Egypt, Pakistan, Morocco, and other countries.
May 1, 2014
Eric Trager
Haroon Ullah
Vish Sakthivel
Brief Analysis
Apr 4, 2014
Vish Sakthivel
Brief Analysis
U.S. Strategic Dialogues with Morocco and Algeria: Take Two
Secretary Kerry's visit comes amid Morocco's efforts to expand its regional influence and an upcoming vote in Algeria.
Mar 28, 2014
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
Shiite Community Becoming More Vocal in Morocco
North African Shiites are growing in number, forming organizations, and mobilizing around Syria and other causes, refuting the popular belief that Morocco is removed from the dynamics of the Gulf and Levant.
Jan 14, 2014
Vish Sakthivel
Articles & Testimony
Morocco's Move in Mali
What Rabat Gained in the Battle Against Islamic Extremism
Although Mali could become a satellite of another North African power, Morocco's involvement is the best chance to uproot extremism there, from the inside out.
Jan 14, 2014
Vish Sakthivel
Brief Analysis
Dec 19, 2013
Vish Sakthivel
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