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Oslo at 30: Personal Perspectives from Washington Institute Scholars
A Compendium
This remarkable compendium marks the thirtieth anniversary of the landmark Oslo I accords and includes personal perspectives from former diplomats, analysis of public opinion among Israelis and Palestinians, and policy recommendations for U.S. officials.
Sep 29, 2023
Dennis Ross
David Makovsky
Neomi Neumann
Ghaith al-Omari
Mohammed Dajani
Nickolay Mladenov
Zohar Palti
Catherine Cleveland
Oslo at 30
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Oslo Accords Held Promise; Extremists Derailed Them
As we look back at the legacy of the accords, it is not the Oslo Accords that failed us, but Israelis and Palestinians who failed Oslo.
Sep 1, 2023
Mohammed Dajani
Oslo at 30
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
How the PA Should Approach the Biden Administration
The Biden administration will exhibit a blend of Trump's and Obama's policies towards Israel and Palestinians.
Jan 26, 2021
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The UAE-Israel Peace Agreement: An Opportunity for Peace in the Region?
The announcement of a peace deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel has earned praise from several governments as a step towards peace. Nonetheless, the "Arbaham Accords," as the deal is known, can only lead to greater reconciliation if the relevant actors take appropriate steps. So far, the reaction
Aug 31, 2020
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
How Should the PA Respond to the U.S.-Israeli Annexation Plan?
Israel's newly formed unity government intends to press ahead with a unilateral action to annex Palestinian lands in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley by early July. The current plan appears to include settlement blocs and most of the 140 settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where
May 27, 2020
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Forging a Path to Peace in The Time of Coronavirus
The world was caught unprepared by the COVID-19 outbreak, which has unleashed an unprecedented global crisis and left more than one hundred thousand people dead and many more in grave condition. The pandemic shows no signs of abating and the most recent assessments project tens of thousands of more deaths
Apr 24, 2020
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
An Alternative Peace Plan
The disenchanted response of much of the Arab world to U.S. President Trump’s recently announced Peace Proposal has highlighted the serious need for alternative visions of a peace process, especially from Palestinians. And as an international community, we need to shake the foundations of this conflict to find peace. The
Mar 2, 2020
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
To Broker Peace, the United States Must Understand Why Palestinians Reject Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’
In the past week since its announcement, there have effectively been no Palestinian voices coming out in favor of President Donald J. Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, announced on January 28, 2020 and dubbed as “The Deal of the Century,” whether publicly or privately. Palestinian opinion is overwhelmingly against this latest
Feb 10, 2020
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Israeli Elections Produce Mixed Feelings for Palestinians
The results of the Israeli elections have created mixed feelings, bringing a bit of despair along with a bit of hope as well. On the one hand, for Palestinians such as myself, there is a despair that there was little difference in terms of the peace process whether the right-wing
Sep 27, 2019
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
An Alternative Quranic Approach to the New Palestinian Curriculum
In one of its commanding verses, the Holy Quran calls upon the believers to pray to God to advance them in knowledge, "Say, My Lord, grant me more knowledge" (20:114). In late 2018, the Palestinian Authority (PA) issued new curriculum in its first revision of Palestinian textbooks since 2000. In
Jun 10, 2019
Mohammed Dajani
Marcus Sheff
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
In Jerusalem, It’s Time to Get Out the Vote
December 14, 2017 President Trump’s dramatic declaration to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and his plans to relocate the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem have thrown a spotlight on three goals the Palestinian leadership had so far failed to achieve, namely, to affirm the Palestinian national rights in
Dec 14, 2017
Mohammed Dajani
Meir Margalit
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Dealing with Hate Sermons
September 5, 2017 Recently, another controversy erupted over a one-hour sermon delivered at the Islamic Center of Davis in California by Imam Ammar Shahin. His words sounded hateful and anti-Jewish in tone bidding to "liberate Al- Aqsa mosque from the filth of the Jews. Annihilate them down to the very
Sep 5, 2017
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Maps & Graphics
Fikra Forum
Occupation, Not Apartheid
In 2014, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned that Israel risked becoming an apartheid state if a two-state solution could not be reached. In March 2017, a UN report titled "Israeli Practices toward the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid," published by the Economic and Social Commission for
Apr 7, 2017
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Case Against Moving the Embassy
February 14, 2017 The newly established state of Israel captured West Jerusalem in the aftermath of the 1948 War and East Jerusalem in the 1967 War; however, neither military acquisition was recognized internationally. In 1995, though, the US Congress adopted the Jerusalem Embassy Act claiming Jerusalem as the eternal capital
Feb 14, 2017
Mohammed Dajani
Brief Analysis
Sep 15, 2016
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Why Palestinians Should Support ‘Normalization’ with Israel
An interview with peace activist Professor Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi As a non-violent form of resistance to the Israeli occupation, the anti-normalization movement gained ground in the aftermath of the Al-Aqsa Intifada of 2000. Extremist groups such as Hamas and the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) oppose
Sep 13, 2016
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Is it the Culture?
Ms. Hiam Nawas, an analyst based in Washington, D.C., argues that, essentially, the source of the Arab world’s current crisis is its ‘culture’, promoting James Clapper’s claim that the United States “can't fix” the Middle East region. But a solution for the region’s fundamental problems needs a proper diagnosis, and
Jul 15, 2016
Mohammed Dajani
Articles & Testimony
Our Response to Terror Must Be Reconciliation
In the wake of terrorist incidents, societies and their political leaders must avoid the impulse to give in to hatred, focusing instead on reconciliation at the personal, community, and intercommunal levels.
Jul 12, 2016
Mohammed Dajani
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
On the Significance of Dialogue
The principal gain yielded by the exchange of ideas between two adversaries is mutual understanding. Admittedly, at the conclusion of a dialogue it could turn out that the pair really do have irreconcilable views – but at least the discussion has allowed both participants to map out the other’s position
May 13, 2016
Mohammed Dajani
Brief Analysis
Mar 22, 2016
Mohammed Dajani
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