Souhire Medini is a 2024-25 Visiting Fellow at The Washington Institute, currently in residence from the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MFA).
A career diplomat, Souhire is a Middle Eastern and North African affairs expert. She spent the last four years in Algeria, where she served as a political adviser for the Embassy of France and covered domestic policy analysis. Prior to that, she was responsible for the bilateral relationship between France and Egypt at the French MFA from 2016 to 2018, and worked as a press and communications officer at the French Embassy in Egypt from 2014 to 2016. At the MFA from 2018 to 2020, she monitored the day-to-day negotiations about the Middle East on the Security Council agenda, including UNIFIL.
Souhire is fluent in French, Arabic, and English.
M.A., Sciences Po Grenoble
B.A., Rennes II University