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Brief Analysis
What Has Impeded Progress in U.S.-Iran Relations?
After much experimentation, the Clinton administration settled on a policy of incremental normalization with Iran, whereby the United States and Iran would gradually improve their relations through mutual concessions and confidence-building measures. As the Bush team assesses policy options towards Iran, it is important to note the meager results of
Jan 12, 2001
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
A Lockerbie Trial Brief
The Lockerbie trial’s adjournment for much of the past two months did not curtail speculation on new evidence and sources. During the period of adjournment both the prosecution and defense carried out investigations throughout European capitals and unidentified third countries. After all this intrigue, it does appear that Lockerbie trial
Nov 22, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Articles & Testimony
Gadhafi's Failed African Ambitions
While the international media focus on the Israeli-Palestinian fighting in the West Bank and Gaza, at least 600 Africans have been killed in riots in Libya. The massacre of African immigrants may have wider reverberations and foster important changes in Libya's foreign policy. Since his return to the international stage
Oct 26, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
A Lockerbie Trial Brief:
The Tale of a Defector
The Lockerbie trial restarts on Tuesday, October 17, after a three-week recess. This recess was requested by the prosecution, who in a puzzling move, asked for time to investigate new evidence of "considerable sensitivity." Prior to the adjournment, the prosecution had introduced its star witness, a double agent with first-hand
Oct 13, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
Opting for Europe and Africa, Not Ties with Washington
While Philippine soldiers may not have succeeded in freeing Western hostages--including American Jeffrey Schilling--the ongoing standoff in the faraway Pacific has provided one more opportunity for Libyan leader Mu'ammar Qaddafi to rehabilitate his tarnished international image. Qaddafi's latest humanitarian effort--ransoming hostages--reflects Libya's "new" diplomacy of offering to mediate regional conflicts
Sep 21, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Articles & Testimony
Use Flexibility to Fight Terror
At a time when U.S. global power seems absolute, the presidential candidates are assiduously avoiding thorny international security issues. Such complacency is misguided because the U.S. faces a greater terrorist threat now than at any point in the past. The next president will have to confront not just the challenge
Sep 8, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
Dialogue Abroad, Violence at Home
Iranian President Muhammad Khatami's international charm offensive continues at the UN Millennium Summit, where today he hosts a "Dialogue of Civilizations" and tomorrow he speaks to the General Assembly. Meanwhile, at home, Khatami faces violence rather than dialogue, raising doubts about Iran's peaceful reform. The Iranian Charm Offensive. Last week
Sep 1, 2000
Patrick Clawson
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
The Lockerbie Trial Intensifies
The Lockerbie trial about to be resumed in the Netherlands will soon enter one of its most important stages. In the coming sessions a critical witness, a Libyan double agent, will take the stand. The testimony of this defector is expected to confirm not just the complicity of the suspects
Jul 17, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
The Lockerbie Trial, Round One
The much-anticipated trial of two Libyans accused of downing Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, has now been in session for two weeks. In this brief period, important developments have already taken place both inside and outside the courtroom. Although prior to the trial, there was much speculation on
May 26, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
Lockerbie Trial:
At Last?
After eleven years of legal and political maneuverings, the Lockerbie trial is finally set to begin on May 3 in Camp Zeist, Netherlands. The two suspects, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi and Al Amin Khalifa Fahima, stand accused of perpetrating one of the worst acts of terrorism in history. The explosion of
May 2, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Articles & Testimony
Pragmatic Theocracy:
A Contradiction in Terms?
For two decades now, the Islamic Republic of Iran has confounded the American foreign policy community, whose members have oscillated wildly between urgent appeals to normalize relations with Tehran and equally determined bids to contain its influence. In the latest swing of the pendelum, a chorus of voices--including those of
May 1, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
Qadhafi at the European-African Summit:
Is He Moderating His Stand?
Mercurial Libyan leader Mu'ammar Qadhafi continues to disappoint those who hope for moderation. His April 3 speech at the Africa-European Union (EU) summit, much heralded as a sign of where Libya is headed, was old-fashioned bombast. Although much may have changed in the international community, Qadhafi's commitment to "anti-imperialism" and
Apr 17, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
Qadhafi's New Political Order
On March 1, Libyan leader Col. Muammar Qadhafi announced the most sweeping changes in Libya's political structure since the launching of the Jamahiriyya (state of masses) in 1977. In a surprising move, the colonel dismissed his prime minister and foreign minister while abolishing twelve other ministries altogether. Qadhafi insisted that
Mar 9, 2000
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
Is Qadhafi Changing His Spots?
In the past ten days, Libyan leader Mu‘ammar Qadhafi has made progress in his efforts to achieve international respectability. After fifteen years, a British ambassador, Richard Dalton, arrived in Tripoli pledging to help Libya return to the “mainstream of the international community.” And Colonel Qadhafi’s status as mediator of thorny
Dec 21, 1999
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
Qadhafi's Calculated Diplomacy:
Circumventing Lockerbie
Since the handover of the suspects in the 1988 bombing of PanAm flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, Col. Mu'ammar Qadhafi has embarked on a series of diplomatic initiatives suggesting a fundamental reorientation of Libya's foreign policy. The once-uncompromising ideologue has embraced the mantle of a statesman who appears to adhere
Aug 16, 1999
Ray Takeyh
Libya and Africa
Testimony before the House Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on Africa "I have no time to lose talking with Arabs.... I now talk about Pan-Africanism and African unity." With this declaration, Mu'ammar Qadhafi apparently proclaimed a new era in Libya's foreign policy. In recent weeks, the colonel has buttressed this
Jul 22, 1999
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
After Lockerbie:
Qadhafi's Diplomatic Resurrection
American and Libyan diplomats are slated to meet tomorrow at the United Nations in what will be the first face-to-face discussions in more than a decade. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss whether sanctions against Libya, which are currently suspended, should be permanently lifted. However this issue is
Jun 10, 1999
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
An End to the Lockerbie Morass?
The Libyan Angle
Libya today handed over two suspects in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. Having worked out a deal that insulates the regime from any further blame, Tripoli finally accepted the offer of a trial to be held at a neutral site under Scottish rules. Less obvious, given Libya's
Apr 5, 1999
Ray Takeyh
Brief Analysis
Qaddafi, Lockerbie, and Prospects for Libya
Libya's economic decomposition has led to the rise of an Islamic opposition. The Islamists are increasingly allying with the Libyan armed forces, forming a pragmatic union that is likely to define Libya's political future in the post-Qaddafi period. Background. In the pre-Qaddafi period, Islam played a central role in Libya's
Oct 1, 1998
Ray Takeyh
Gideon Rose
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