Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay was interviewed for an Associated Press story about U.S.-Turkish relations.
The Baltimore Sun quoted Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay in an article on the Turkish response to a congressional resolution naming the Armenia genocide.
The New York Sun's Eli Lake interviewed Institute peace process expert David Makovsky about Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak's visit to Washington.
Institute terrorism expert Matthew Levitt took part in an online debate on U.S. sanctions and Iran's Nuclear Program.
The Los Angeles Times quoted Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay in an article on Turkish reaction to Congress's Armenian genocide resolution.
Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay spoke on al-Jazeera about the possibility of a Turkish incursion into northern Iraq.
CNN interviewed Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay about the potential for Turkish incursions into northern Iraq.
Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay discussed potential Turkish incursions into northern Iraq on Bloomberg TV.
Institute executive director Robert Satloff was quoted in a Roll Call column by Morton Kondracke on the U.S. war against radical Islamists.
Turkey's Hurriyet interviewed Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay on the erosion of Turkish secularism under the AKP. (In Turkish)
The AP quoted Institute terrorism expert Michael Jacobson in an article on Osama bin Laden's call for jihad against Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf.
David Schenker discusses Syrian president, Bashar Asad's record of poor judgment in The Daily Standard.
Ambassador Dennis Ross lays out a strategy for effective negotiation, either in business or international relations on Forbes' Talking Sense .
Institute terrorism expert Matthew Levitt discussed the president's address on the September 11 anniversary in a 90-minute appearance on al-Hurra.
Institute terrorism expert Michael Jacobson discussed terror financing on public radio's Marketplace program.
Institute visiting fellow David Pollock discussed congressional hearings on Iraq on Canada's CBC television.
BBC Radio interviewed Institute visiting fellow David Pollock about General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker's congressional testimony on Iraq.
Michael Jacobson gives a speech to the Transatlantic Institute in Brussels.
Matt Levitt, speaks at the US Institute of Peace event about Countering the Financing of Terrorism.
Ambassador Dennis Ross, speaks about John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt's new book, The Israel Lobby , on NPR's program On Point
Soner Cagaptay's article in Newsweek International on Turkey's recent steps away from secularism.
Institute terrorism expert Matthew Levitt was interviewed on the BBC's world news program about financial counterterrorism efforts.
Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay was quoted in a London Telegraph article on Abdullah Gul's election to the Turkish presidency.
Institute peace process expert David Makovsky discussed the Olmert-Abbas meeting in an interview on Bloomberg News.
Institute Turkey expert Soner Cagaptay was interviewed on PBS's NewsHour about the concerns over Turkey's new president Abdullah Gul.