AP article on the plight of the displaced in Syria quotes Institute senior fellow.
Washington Post article on conflict in Damascus quotes Institute Syria expert.
Bloomberg article examining the resumption of nuclear talks with Iran quotes Institute managing director.
New York Times article on Cyprus Hizbollah trial quotes Institute counterterrorism expert.
Atlantic article on terrorist groups' use of social-networking sites quotes Institute counterterrorism expert.
Associated Press story on Syrian Kurds' outlook of post-Assad Syria quotes Institute Turkey expert.
Institute expert discusses the Muslim Brotherhood's revolution in Egypt in the Atlantic.
Economist article on the growing multi-lingualism of Jihad in the digital age quotes Institute counterterrorism expert.
Reuters article on how Mauritanian media is shedding light on Saharan jihadists quotes Institute counterrorism expert.
Institute expert is quoted commenting on the Syrian regime's degrading power in the New York Times.
Time article on Iran's covert war with Israel quotes Institute counterrorism expert.
Time article on foreign policy passages in Obama's State of the Union address quotes Institute managing director.
Institute expert's CNN article contextualizes Bulgaria bus bombing in larger conflict between Iran and the West.
Wall Street Journal article examining attack on Syria-Turkey border quotes Institute expert.
Institute executive director comments on Obama's Israel trip in a Foreign Policy article.
New York Times article examining rift in U.S. policy on Syria quotes Institute defense expert.
Institute counselor discusses Obama's Israel trip and the implications for U.S.-Israel relations on MSNBC.
Washington Post editorial calling for EU action on Hezbollah attack in Bulgaria cites Institute counterrorism expert.
NPR story on Hezbollah's link to bombing in Bulgaria features Institute counterterrorism expert.
New York Times article on resumption of Iran nuclear talks quotes Institute counselor.
Institute counterterrorism expert explains why Hizbollah poses a threat to Western interests on Fox News.
Economist article on outlook for direct nuclear negotiations with Iran quotes Institute director of research.
Institute Syria expert shares insight into Israeli attacks in Syria on Fox News' "Studio B."