Institute counterterrorism expert discusses ways Google can combat illicit networks on public radio's "Marketplace Tech Report."
Charlie Rose interviews Institute counselor on the floundering Syrian regime and recent violence in Damascus.
Washington Post quotes Institute counterterrorism expert in an article on the escalating shadow war bewteen Israel and Iran.
Bloomberg quotes Institute counselor in an article about dwindling Russian allies in the Middle East.
LA Times quotes Institute senior fellow in an article about President Assad's weakening hold in Syria.
Institute Syria expert examines the implications of Assad's top defense aides' deaths on NPR's "All Things Considered."
Washington Post article on recent bombings by Syrian opposition quotes Institute defense expert.
Institute counselor gives opening remarks for New America Foundation event: The U.S. and the Greater Middle East Election 2012.
Institute Arab politics expert comments on Egypt-Israel ties in a Xinhau article.
Institute Syria expert discusses Damascus bombing as the "beginning of the end" for Assad regime on ABC Lateline.
New York Times article on the escalating violence in Damascus quotes Institute defense expert.
AP story on surprise bombing in Syria which killed members of President Assad's inner circle quotes Institute defense expert.
In the Daily Beast, senior fellow examines Hizbollah's terror record in light of attack against Israeli citizens in Bulgaria.
Institute managing director comments on the deterioration of Syria's Assad regime on Fox's Studio B.
Institute defense expert is quoted in a Washington Post article which reports on escalating violence in Damascus.
Institute executive director comments on America's role in the Middle East peace process in Bloomberg.
Institute Syria expert is quoted in a Bloomberg article on renewed calls for action against the Assad regime.
Washington Post profile on the Obama administration's quest for peace in the Middle East features Institute counselor.
Institute defense expert is quoted in a Huffington Post article about the increasingly strong ties between Iraq and Iran.
New York Times article alleging that Syria is moving parts of its chemical weapons stockpile quotes Institute experts.
Saudi affairs expert is quoted in a Washington Post article about the inclusion of women on the kingdom's Olympic squad.
Institute managing director discusses news that Iran is close to developing a missile which could reach the US on Fox News.
Institute defense fellow is quoted in an Time article on the critical importance of intel to the Syrian opposition.
New York Times article quotes Institute Syria expert on the ongoing defections of high-ranking Sunnis from the Assad regime.