Part of a series: Middle East PolicyCast
or see Part 1: Podcast: A Military and Political Assessment of the Gaza Conflict
Leading scholars examine the origins and current trends of Russian involvement in the Middle East, as well as implications for U.S. strategy in the region.
Marking the release of Anna Borshchevskaya's groundbreaking new book on Russia's Putin-era Middle East Policy, the Institute senior fellow held a lively conversation with a leading scholar of the Russian military and a former U.S. ambassador to Moscow. In this episode, we present their in-depth conversation on the full extent of Russian activity in the Middle East, how Moscow sees its interests and calculates costs and benefits, and the implications for U.S. policy.
Middle East PolicyCast: Conversations on Middle East issues from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Watch the original webcast of this event.
Learn more about the book, Putin's War in Syria.