Webcast Monday: Join us for an expert conversation featuring the U.S. ambassador to Tunisia on the evolution of great-power competition in North Africa.
Watch live starting at 12:00 noon EDT (1600 GMT) on Monday, July 8, 2024.

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Recent Institute Analysis

Egyptian prime minister Mostafa Madbouly greets Ukrainian president Volodimir Zelensky in Kyiv in 2023 - source: Reuters
Dueling Summits Show the Need to Enlist Arab Support on Ukraine
Key Middle East actors tend to distrust the U.S. narrative about the war and conclude they can reap better economic benefits from Russia, so Washington should do more to get them off the sidelines.
Jun 28, 2024
  • Anna Borshchevskaya

In Focus: The Hamas-Israel War

Gaza Fatality Data Has Become Completely Unreliable
Given the discrepancies in official Palestinian counts and their growing reliance on questionable data from media reports, the credibility gaps revealed by a previous Washington Institute study have become yawning chasms.
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  • Gabriel Epstein
Can Hamas Be Defeated?
Although the group’s ideology will persist, the tools used to advance it can be effectively constrained through measures that turn a major threat into a marginal irritant.
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  • Ghaith al-Omari
The Dangers of an Ungovernable Gaza
As the conditions for long-term lawlessness and violence begin to take root, a former Pentagon official details the urgent steps Washington and its partners should take to prepare for the postwar “golden hour.”
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  • Dana Stroul
Mapping Clashes Along the Israel-Lebanon Border
A regularly updated visual tracker of northern border attacks by Hezbollah, the IDF, and Palestinian groups during the Hamas-Israel war.
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  • Hanin Ghaddar
  • Ana Estrada Hamm
  • Miller Greene

Study: Addressing UNRWA's Problems and Failings

UNRWA workers at Nuseirat camp, Gaza, after Israeli strike (left); French diplomat Catherine Colonna (right)
Evaluating UNRWA After the Colonna Report
The obvious nature of multiple recom­mendations points to scandalous mismanagement at the UN aid agency over decades.
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  • James G. Lindsay

Interactive Map: ISIS Global Activity

Interactive Tool: Tracking Maritime Attacks in Middle East Waters Since 2019

Arab Public Opinion 2014 to Today

Fikra Interactive Public Polling Platform Thumbnail
Maps & Graphics
TWI Interactive Polling Platform
Interactive datasets, from 2014 to today
Jun 30, 2022