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Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Developing a Practical Model to Solve the Iraq-KRG Oil Crisis
Baghdad should allow Kurdistan based oil operators to invest in the rest of Iraq as a part of a solution to the long-standing oil issue between Erbil and Baghdad, using a proven, practical model currently being implemented.
Nov 9, 2023
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Reflecting on the Centenary of the Treaty of Lausanne: The Kurdish Struggle and Unyielding Resilience
The Treaty of Lausanne, signed a century ago, is often analyzed through the lens of geopolitics and its impact on borders and regional power dynamics. Now, it is crucial to shift our perspective and recognize the immense human suffering that resulted from this historic agreement.
Jul 17, 2023
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
In Iraq, the Kurds Are Their Own Worst Enemy
Kurds were once referred to as kingmakers, a pillar of stability, and the most powerful force in the fight against ISIS. Now, the Kurdish Region of Iraq is crippled by ferocious partisanships, tribal politics, and internal splits.
Jun 17, 2023
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Kurds Are Fleeing Iraq in the Face of Uncertainty
There are economic, corruption, and governance factors at play in the migration of Kurds to Europe, but the most acute issue is the collapse of trust in the political future of the Kurdish Region.
Dec 7, 2021
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Biden Administration Needs to Support Kurds
Good relations with Iraqi Kurdistan are a valuable strategic asset for the United States, but support from the Biden administration should not be unconditional.
Mar 3, 2021
Ruwayda Mustafah
Yerevan Saeed
Mohammed Salih
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Policy Failures Lead to a Kurdish PMF Battalion in Kirkuk
Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces, and thereby Iran, have gained increased influence in Kurdish areas around Kirkuk.
Dec 23, 2020
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Without Diversifying its Rentier Economy, Pessimism Among Kurdish Youth Will Increase
The legacy of the last 28 years of Kurdish self-governance has been marked by a broken political and economic region—with youth stripped of Kurdish patriotism. The Kurdistan Region’s rentier economy has led its policymakers to think in terms of short-term political gains, fed into a patron-client system already deeply entrenched
Sep 25, 2019
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
After Arson in Kirkuk Against Kurdish Farmers, Kurdish Parties Remain Divided
With the tensions between Washington and Tehran, a potentially dangerous conflict in Iraq—ethnic tensions are simmering between Kurds and Arabs in the country’s disputed territories, especially in the multiethnic province of Kirkuk. In the past few weeks, reports from Kurdish news sources allegedly indicate that Arab actors have set hundreds
May 31, 2019
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Iraq Faces its Next Crisis: Water
While the very earliest civilizations in Iraq grew up around the gifts of the Tigris and Euphrates, millions of Iraqis from the North to the newly revived southern Marshes are at risk from the actions of Iraq’s northern and astern neighbors. Turkey and Iran’s increased limiting of water of the
Jul 19, 2018
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Kurdish Opposition Parties Lost in May 12th Election: Does Fraud Explain it?
The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) announced the official results of the Iraqi parliamentary election on the early hours of May 19 after several delays. In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the unofficial and the official results were mired by claims of widespread electoral fraud in favor of the two
May 23, 2018
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Thirty years after the Halabja Genocide: Iraq Still Punishes the Kurds
March is a bittersweet month for Kurds. It is the month for celebrating the Kurdish uprising against Saddam Hussein in 1991, the original declaration of Kurdish autonomy 1970, and most notably Nowruz, which Kurds consider their national day of freedom and welcoming spring. But, March is also the time of
Mar 16, 2018
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Kurdish Security Dilemma, Explained
November 7, 2017 Former Kurdistan region president Masoud Barzani miscalculated the potential fallout of the referendum. But political miscalculation by itself cannot explain Barzani’s decision to hold the controversial referendum on September 25th. Rather, the security dilemma in which Iraqi Kurds have lived since the foundation of Iraq in early
Nov 7, 2017
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Firing Up Kurdish Nationalism in Iraq
04/26/17 Last month, the governor of Kirkuk, Najmaldin Karim, raised the Kurdistan flag in the province, causing uproar inside Iraq and across the region. The Iraqi parliament denounced the unilateral decision, dismissing it as unconstitutional. The Kirkuk province itself was quick to condemn the action as well and asked for
Apr 26, 2017
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Ottoman Experience in Mosul, Then and Now
What is striking today are the historical similarities between the first Ottoman venture in Northern Iraq and the current deployment of Turkish troops in Bashiqa and other areas of Iraqi Kurdistan.
Oct 31, 2016
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
The Future of Kurdistan, Between Unity and Balkanization
The Kurdistan Region is often praised as an anchor of stability in the Middle East; its military forces in particular are considered a major bulwark against the Islamic State (ISIS). Nonetheless, it faces potential balkanization as provincial voices begin advocating for autonomy from the Kurdish core. Both political parties and
Jul 1, 2016
Yerevan Saeed
Fikra Forum
Fikra Forum
Who to Blame for the Absence of a Kurdish State after Sykes Picot?
Last month, many Kurds mourned the 100th anniversary of the Sykes-Picot agreement, signed on May 16 1916, which laid down the foundation for today’s nation states in the Middle East. Arguably, no single ethnic group despises this agreement more than the Kurds, who often view it as a moratorium on
Jun 1, 2016
Yerevan Saeed