Institute expert quoted by Wall Street Journal on Iran-Russia meeting on Syria.
Institute expert quoted by France 24 on French PM Hollande's efforts to unite coalition against the Islamic State.
Institute expert quoted by The New Yorker on Syrian refugees.
Institute expert quoted by NBC News on strategy to combat ISIS after Paris attacks.
Institute expert quoted by International Business Times on Russia's incursion into Syria.
Institute expert quoted by New York Times on how to defeat ISIS.
Institute expert appeared on NPR to discuss ISIS financing
Washington Post quoted Institute expert on ISIS's view of Syrian refugees.
Institute expert quoted by Wall Street Journal on the ascent of Iranian hardliners in the wake of the nuclear deal.
Institute expert quoted by AFP on battle for Sinjar.
Institute expert quoted by Reuters on the battle for Sinjar.
Institute expert quoted by New York Times on the Obama Administration's diplomatic efforts to end Syrian conflict.
Institute expert quoted by Voice of America on Hezbollah's role in Syria.
Institute expert quoted by Bloomberg on deadly shootings at U.S. training facility in Jordan.
Institute counselor appeared on NPR to discuss Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Washington visit.
Institute expert quoted by Bloomberg on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Washington visit.
Institute expert quoted by New York Times on Israeli PM Netahyahu's Washington visit and the Iran deal.
Institute expert quoted by Foreign Policy on the downing of the Russian airliner in the Sinai.
Institute expert appeared on NPR to discuss ISIS's presence in the Sinai.
Institute counselor appeared on NPR to discuss Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's upcoming visit to Washington.
Institute expert appeared on Politico's "The Debrief" to discuss Israeli PM Netanyahu's Washington visit.
Institute expert quoted by AFP on Turkey's recent parliamentary elections.
Institute expert quoted in New York Times on Iraq's Ayatollah Sistani.
Institute expert interviewed by Voice of America on the recent violence in Jerusalem and West Bank.
USA Today quotes Institute expert on White House decision to send special forces into Syria.