Institute expert quoted by Washington Post on Turkey's Nov. 1 elections.
Institute expert quoted by Reuters on Iran's presence at Syria talks in Vienna.
CNN interviewed Institute expert on Iran's involvement in the Syrian civil war.
Institute expert's East Jerusalem polling cited in Washington Post.
Institute expert quoted in Al-Monitor on U.S. financial aid cut to Palestinians.
Institute experts joined NPR's "Here and Now" to discuss growing violence in Jerusalem and West Bank.
Institute expert interviewed on NPR on the strategic importance of Aleppo.
Institute managing director appeared on C-SPAN to discuss what's next for the Iran nuclear agreement.
Institute counselor appeared on MSNBC to discuss the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Institute expert quoted in The Hill on the JCPOA's "Adoption Day."
Institute expert quoted by Voice of America on the role of Shi'ite militias in the Syrian civil war.
Institute executive director appeared on NPR to discuss Russia's entrance into the Syrian conflict.
Institute expert quoted in New York Times on increasing violence in Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Institute expert quoted by the Wall Street Journal on the fading U.S. military footprint in the Middle East.
Institute counselor interviewed by The Atlantic on the Obama-Netanyahu relationship.
CNN interviewed Institute expert on Putin and Assad's relationship.
Foreign Policy quoted Institute expert on Russia's disinformation campaign regarding its involvement in Syria.
Institute experts quoted by CNN on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to the UN General Assembly.
Institute expert quoted in the New York Times on Russia's military buildup in Syria.
Institute expert appeared on NPR to discuss Obama and Putin's meeting on Syria.
Institute expert quoted by Washington Post on reexamining the Obama administration's Syria policy.
Institute expert quoted by Reuters on the Iraqi military's stalled Mosul campaign.
McClatchy interviewed Institute expert on the Syrian Kurd offensive against ISIS.