Institute Egypt expert examines Egyptian reaction to situation in Gaza in the Atlantic.
WSJ article on the implications of Gaza invasion for U.S.-Mideast policy quotes Institute counselor.
Counterterrorism expert's article examining the social service activities of Ansar al-Sharia appears in Foreign Policy.
NYT article on France's official recoginition of Syrian rebels quotes Institute senior fellow.
CNN blog on acceleration of US aid to Syrian opposition fighters quotes Institute Syria expert.
Jerusalem Post article on considerations around an EU ban on Hezbollah quotes Institute counterterrorism expert.
LA Times article on Obama's reassessment of foreign policy in his second term quotes Institute Arab politics expert.
CS Monitor article on the implications of Iran attack on U.S. drone quotes Institute managing director.
WSJ article on tensions surrounding Iran's attack on a U.S. drone quotes Institute visiting scholar.
Politico article on foriegn policy opportunities for a second Obama administration quotes Institute exective director.
Institute senior fellows argue why the U.S.-Israeli alliance is good for America in an article for Foreign Affairs.
Washington Post article quotes Institute executive director on Obama's second term Syria policy.
NYT article examining probability that Turkey will deploy missiles near Syria quotes Institute senior fellow.
Bloomberg article about the drop in oil prices following an Obama election win quotes Institute executive director.
Daily Beast article on how the U.S. election could revamp Syria policy quotes Institute senior fellow.
Bloomberg article on Turkey putting Israeli officers on trial in absentia quotes Beyer family fellow.
Atlantic article on culprits behind death of Amb. Chris Stevens quotes Institute counterterrorism expert.
Daily Beast article on Ansar al-Sharia’s role in Benghazi attacks quotes Institute counterterrorism expert.
AP article quotes Institute counterterrorism expert on tensions in Lebannon surrounding Hezbollah.
Institute defense expert discusses the Syrian regime's military strategy on PBS Newshour.
Time article on US withdrawal of support from the SNC quotes Institute Syria expert.
Institute visiting fellow discusses the situation in Iraq in Foreign Policy's "The Cable."
Arab-Israeli expert comments in Reuters on continuity of US-Mideast policy irrespective of presidential election results.
Institute visiting fellow responds to op-ed in the Washington Post codemning the use of drones.