USA Today article on Israel PM's speech to UN on Iran Nuke Program quotes Institute senior fellow.
Institute Iran expert is quoted in a Bloomberg article on Iranian president's speech at the UNGA.
Next Generation Fellow discusses anti-American sentiment in Egypt and Libya on C-Span's "Washington Journal."
NYT article on Syrian opposition's headquarters-shift inside Syria quotes Institute Arab politics expert.
Washington Post article on Syrian opposition's shift to headquarters inside Syria quotes Institute Turkey expert.
Institute experts are quoted in a National Journal article examining US engagement with Iran.
Institute Arab politics expert examines the ideological bent of Syria's opposition forces in anop-ed for the Washington Post.
NPR story on US policy in the aftermath of Mideast violence features Institute managing director.
Institute Iran expert is quoted in a Daily Beast article examining recent attacks on Iranian nuclear facilities.
PBS Frontline documentary "The Battle for Syria" features commentary by Institute senior fellow.
Institute Turkey expert is quoted in WSJ article on the deepening divide between the Turks and Kurds.
New York Times article on souring Turkish public opinion over Syrian conflict quotes Institute Turkey expert.
Huffington Post article about Romney's comments on Palestinian peace process quotes Institute counselor.
Washington Post article on the UN's failure to stop violence in Syria quotes Institute senior fellow.
Institute managing director discusses US policy amid anti-American sentiment in Muslim countries on Fox News.
Financial Times article on foreign policy growing role in presidential race quotes Institute counterterrorism expert.
New York Times quotes senior fellow in an article examining tensions around setting limits on Iran’s nuclear program.
CNN segment on link between Coptic Christians and anti-Islam film features Institute Egypt expert.
Institute counselor discusses tensions between US and Israel over Iran on NBC's "Morning Joe."
Institute terrorism expert discusses who might be responsible for the U.S. consulate attack in Libya on CNNi.
Huffington Post quotes jihadism expert in an article about the growing influence of al Qaeda in Libya.
Reuters article quotes Institute Iran expert on rising tensions between Israel and the US over next steps in Iran.
Institute defense expert is quoted in a Bloomberg article on the use of "heavy weapons" by Syrian forces.